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Open 5 days a week, all year round.

For Lunch, Dinner & Take-out Orders.

We Are Closed Tuesday & Wednesday.

Thursday Thru Monday Open.

11:30 am To 9 pm.

And Just Around The Corner Our March Specials

Come Join The Celebration

Call Us At 1-802-265-4907.

For Reservations.

We Will Be Closing April 27th Till-

May 9th. For Kitchen Renovations.

Will Reopen MAy 8th for Normal Operations.

Mothers Day  May 11th. Is Coming As well

 Make Your Reservation Early

Treat Your Mother Out Or Wife To Dinner

So  Please Make Your Reservations.

Thank You For Your Patronage

Email Us At thefairhaveninn@gmail.com

Job Opportunities At The Fair Haven Inn

Please Apply In Person.  


Truly an area landmark, The Fair Haven Inn earns its reputation as a fine dining establishment through the culinary expertise of its proprietors, the Ieremias family. The Fair Haven Inn has won much acclaim in recent years throughout Vermont, New York and New England as an excellent place to dine.

The Inn is located in the center of Fair Haven Town on route 4A and 22A between Lake George, New York and Rutland, Vermont. We are minutes away from major Ski Resorts, Killington, Pico, Bromley and Okemo Mountains.


We offer on premise Catering. Serving up delicious food from our menu or a custom made one.